‘If you are a mother or a father, the pain of your child is your pain too’ #NoChildShouldSuffer
The natural will to survive exuded by little Daivyan gave us the ultimate motivation to stay put until the end. That end was to see him live like the champion he is meant to be.
And realizing the stress we went through and how we had to become ‘pseudo doctors’ to find information everywhere we can, just to see Daivyan live, left in us the hunger to bridge the gap that exists within childhood cancer in Nigeria and taking the lead in saving other parents and children going through the kind of trauma we passed through.
We engaged in a deeper research mainly on www.worldchildcancer.org we found out that:
1. Over 200,000 children develop cancer worldwide each year. 80% of those children live in low or middle income countries where survival rates can be as low as 5%, compared to 80% survival rates in high income countries.
2. Poor diagnosis, along with too few specially trained healthcare professionals and the mistaken belief that childhood cancer is too difficult to cure, combine to create very low survival rates.
3. In fact childhood cancer can be curable even in resource-poor countries. It’s possible to save the lives of 50–60% of children with easily treatable malignancies with relatively simple and inexpensive drugs and procedures that have been known to doctors for decades.
Now, all we want to do with the rest of our lives is to save children battling with cancer in Nigeria and create precautionary programs that would save even more kids.