Blooming Greens School supporting our cause
Blooming Greens School supporting our cause to make life better for our little soldiers, we are very grateful🙌🙌🙌
Earlier today, at the Christmas Carol celebration of Blooming Greens School, Team DCCF was present and the school presented the cheque for the funds raised a few days ago from their art exhibition to support children battling Cancer through Daivyan children cancer foundation, a cheque of #272,000 was presented to us and with this we will be purchasing a Mobile Oxygen Concentrator for our Pediatric Oncology ward at LUTH, we are super excited and we believe that with supports like this, it can only get better.
Thanks to Blooming Greens School, God bless your school, the children and parents for this awesome act, we are super grateful.
#BloomingGreensSchoolSupportsChildhoodCancerAwareness#TeamDCCF #ChildhoodCancerSucks #Fortheloveofachild#Letscreateawareness #Welovewhatwedowewontstop#WeWillKeepInspiringHope
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