Stanbic IBTC supporting our Soldiers
Thanks to Stanbic IBTC for coming to support our Soldiers, they came in much earlier as they couldn’t make our evening arrangement. They brought gifts for our soldiers, their care givers, nurses and also gave a cheque of #200,000 to Daivyan Children Cancer Foundation to support our work and care of our soldiers. This means a lot to us at DCCF, it goes to say our voice is being heard and support is on the way. Thanks to Stanbic IBTC for your support, we are so grateful for the Love you’ve shown to our soldiers and their care givers.
God bless Stanbic IBTC!
God bless DCCF!!
God bless You all!!!
#InternationalChildhoodCancerAwarenessDay #Feb15th#Fortheloveofachild #ACTNow #TeamDCCF #Welovewhatwedowewontstop#Proudchildrencancerawarenessadvocates #ChildhoodCancerSucks#Letscreateawareness
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